Principal Investigator of the project Jambul Yusupov has visited the University of Wuppertal (Germany) from July 17 to August 08 to discuss with a foreign Co-PI of the project prof. Matthias Ehrhardt the project implementation plan, detailed work, as well as to agree a travel schedule from both sides. In addition, the relevance, formulation, and ways of solving the tasks were discussed.

Project Investigator J. Yusupov and foreign Co-PI prof. M. Ehrhardt during discussions (Institute of Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computational Mathematics).

During the secondment, a visit was also made to the University of Ilmenau (Germany) for the purpose of cooperation on the subject of the project. Problems for joint solution and preparation of articles for publication of the results were discussed.

Talk of the project investigator, J. Yusupov, at the seminar of professor C. Trunk’s group “Applied Functional Analysis” (Institute of Mathematics, Ilmenau)

As part of the project management plan, professor D.U. Matrasulov visited the University of Wuppertal (Germany) from December 13, 2022 to December 17, 2023, where he and the foreign Co-PI of the project discussed the formulation of tasks, considered in the project plan to be solved for the next year.
The research results were also presented at the international conference “Dynamics Days Central Asia & Caucasus” (23.09.2023-30.09.2022) and the summer school “Modern trends in quantum science & technologies: From quantum materials to quantum information” (22.09.2023-02.10 .2023), held at Baku State University (Azerbaijan).

During the period of this secondment to the foreign Co-PI’s university, the annual report on scientific research done in the collaboration, the tasks to be solved together with the partner, and the planned work were discussed. Problem solving approaches were adjusted considering new research results published during the reporting period.

Talk of the project investigator, J. Yusupov at the seminar of professor M. Ehrhardt’s group. (University of Wuppertal, Germany)
During the secondment, a visit was also made to the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Czech Technical University in Prague for the purpose of cooperation on the subject of the project. Problems for joint solution and preparation of articles for publication of the results were discussed.

Project investigator J. Yusupov and professor P. Exner during discussions (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Řež, Prague)

Talk of the project investigator, J. Yusupov, at the seminar of professor P. Exner’s group. (Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic)
In August professor D.U. Matrasulov visited the University of Wuppertal (Germany), where he and the foreign Co-PI of the project discussed the formulation of tasks, considered in the project plan to be solved for the next year.
The research results were also presented at the international conference “Mathematics for the Micro/Nano-World: From soliton dynamics, nonlinear optics to quantum science and technology” (September 18-22, 2023), held at Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan).

During the secondment to the university of the foreign Co-PI, discussions were held regarding the annual report on joint scientific research. Current results, upcoming tasks, and the planned work for the forthcoming period were reviewed.
As part of the visit, approaches to solving research tasks were adjusted, taking into account recent publications and studies released during the reporting period. These adjustments made it possible to adapt research methods to more effectively achieve the set goals and identify potential directions for further scientific collaboration.

Project Investigator J. Yusupov and foreign Co-PI prof. M. Ehrhardt during discussions (Institute of Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computational Mathematics, Wuppertal).

The research results were also presented at the international conference and summer school “International Summer School & Conference on Evolution Equations, Approximation and Spectral Optimization” (Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 16–18, 2024) and at “Dynamics Days Central Asia and Caucasus: 21st Century Silk Road for Science and Peace” (Samarkand, Uzbekistan, October 1–5, 2024).
According to the plan, in the second half of the year, two participants will travel for two weeks to the University of Wuppertal (Germany)
In the second half of the year, secondments of the project investigator for two weeks to the University of Wuppertal (Germany) and of the foreign Co-PI for 7-10 days to Kimyo International University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) are planned.